Cycle! magazine is a magazine dedicated to bicycle culture. Since 2013 Rossolis publish the French edition of the magazine. Art director: Francesco Dondina Project for Dondina Associati.

Cycle! magazine is a magazine dedicated to bicycle culture. Since 2013 Rossolis publish the French edition of the magazine. Art director: Francesco Dondina Project for Dondina Associati.
Stationery design, web design and theme customization for Dondina Associati website. Logo design by Francesco Dondina.
Web design and development for a young jewel brand. Project for Dondina Associati.
Visual identity redesign for Castello Sforzesco in Milan. Restoration and implementation of the original Bob Noorda signage, graphic design of new signs system for the municipal museums. Art director: Francesco Dondina Interior design by Michele De Lucchi Studio. The new web portal design and sites of individual institutions and museums. Web development by Consortech. […]
Web design and development for a legal firm. Project for Dondina Associati.
Exhibition graphics, web design, supervision and adaptation of the exhibition identity for “Bernardino Luini e i suoi figli” exhibition at Palazzo Reale in Milan, curated by Giovanni Agosti and Jacopo Stoppa. Exhibition design by Piero Lissoni Studio. Art director: Francesco Dondina. Project for Dondina Associati
Progetto grafico della pubblicazione I Quaderni del Master, pubblicazione scientifica del Master in Gestione delle biomasse e dei processi per la produzione di energia del CNR. Client: CNR Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche e Amsaf.
Teracity is a free press with photographic projects by the students of the biennal course of Photography of cfp Bauer. Every year since 2013 the project is curated by Sergio Giusti, Francesco Dondina and Diana Quarti with different artists and photographers running the workshop as Giampietro Agostini, Giovanni Hänninen, Paolo Mazzo. In 2013 the project […]
Web design and development for a landscape architect. Project for Dondina Associati
Book design for italian artist Gianluigi Colin in occasion of his site specific work “Caos Apparente” at PARCO – Pordenone Arte Contemporanea. Selected for AWDA 2017 – Aiap Women in Design Award Project for Dondina Associati